食品级柠檬酸消费过程中产品枯燥和空气净化的特殊请求及设计特性。 食品级柠檬酸为一种有机化合物, 白色结晶粉末、色晶体或颗粒,极易溶于水。 食品级氢氧化钾普遍用于食品、医药、化工及建筑、能源等工业上。 其产品消费级别又可分为食品级和工业级。 国内**个年产量的食品级柠檬酸消费厂应用原有的发酵工艺,引 进国外的精炼工艺,主要消费无水柠檬酸同时依据市场的需求,也可消费一水柠檬酸 柠檬酸在常温常压下极易吸湿潮解,具有很强的腐蚀性。枯燥系统 工艺用枯燥系统所处置的空气都将直接进入到工艺系统流程中,而且是在出废品阶段与产品直接接触,故系统设计时不只要保证工艺所需的各项指标。
This paper focuses on the special requirements and design characteristics of dry products and air purification during the consumption of food-grade citric acid. Food-grade citric acid is an organic compound, white crystalline powder, color crystal or granule, very soluble in water. Food-grade potassium hydroxide is widely used in food, medicine, chemical industry, construction, energy and other industries. Its product consumption level can be divided into food grade and industrial grade. Domestic food-grade citric acid consumer factories with annual output apply the original fermentation process and import foreign refining process. They mainly consume anhydrous citric acid according to market demand. They can also consume monohydrate citric acid, which is easy to absorb moisture and dehydrate under normal temperature and pressure. It has strong corrosiveness. The air disposed by the drying system used in the process of the drying system will directly enter the process of the process system, and it is in direct contact with the product at the stage of discharging waste products. Therefore, the design of the system does not only guarantee the various indicators required by the process.

The manufacturer of trichloromethane informs you about the operation, disposal and storage of trichloromethane.
1. Operational precautions. Closed operation, partial ventilation. Operators must be specially trained and strictly abide by the operating rules. Operators are advised to wear direct gas masks (half masks), chemical safety glasses, anti-poison soaking overalls and chemical gloves. Avoid steam leaking into the air of the workplace. Prevent contact with alkali and aluminium. Handling should be light loading and unloading to avoid damage to packaging and containers. Equipment leak emergency disposal equipment. Empty containers may retain harmful substances.
2. Storage precautions. Store in a cool, ventilated warehouse. Keep away from fire and heat sources. Storage temperature does not exceed 30 C and relative humidity does not exceed 80%. Insist on container sealing. Alkali, aluminium and edible chemicals should be stored separately. Mixed storage should not be avoided. The storage area shall have leaking emergency disposal equipment and appropriate collection data.