1. 计算氢氧化钾和水的比例。
1. First, the ratio of potassium hydroxide to water is calculated.
2. 然后用天平称出20克氢氧化钾和80克水。
2. Then 20 grams of potassium hydroxide and 80 grams of water are weighed with the balance.
3. Slowly add potassium hydroxide into the water and stir slowly with glass rod until smooth.
1. Preparation of liquid reagents:
According to the principle of equal solute quality before and after dilution. Weight 20 g solid potassium hydroxide to 100 ml in a volumetric bottle, if required accurately

氢氧化钾溶液的碱度是否具有强碱性?为什么?擅长:理工科C/ c++化学物理与LS一致。氢氧根溶液的碱度由水中电离产生的氢氧根浓度决定。高浓度的氢氧化钠比低浓度的氢氧化钠更强。另一个1 l错误。氢氧根本身是碱性的(无论浓度如何)。碱度由水中游离生成的OH浓度决定。
Is the alkalinity of potassium hydroxide solution strongly alkaline? Why? Good at: Science and engineering C/c++ chemical physics is consistent with LS. The alkalinity of hydroxide solution is determined by the concentration of hydroxide produced by ionization in water. High concentration of sodium hydroxide is stronger than low concentration of sodium hydroxide. Another 1L error. Hydrogen and oxygen are essentially alkaline (regardless of concentration). Alkalinity is determined by the concentration of OH produced in water.
Without specific focus, you can't tell who is strong from who is weak. Strong alkaline potassium hydroxide, mainly depending on the strength of gold metal ions, shows in the periodic table that it is more alkaline than metallic sodium. Potassium is so strong that alkaline potassium hydroxide is more alkaline, because gold attribute is more alkaline than sodium potassium, so its corresponding oxide hydrate is more alkaline than sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide. Under the same molar concentration, alkalinity is stronger than sodium hydroxide, and the mobility ratio of potassium and sodium metal ions in potassium hydroxide solution is different. The alkalinity of the solution depends on the concentration of OH. Potassium hydroxide.