在SDS - PAGE中,配胶时需加入TEMED和过硫酸铵,它的作用是什么?但将凝胶液加入在制胶器后需在其上慢慢加入一层乙醇或异丙醇或水
In SDS - page, TEMED and ammonium persulfate need to be added when preparing glue. What is its function? However, after adding the gel solution to the glue maker, slowly add a layer of ethanol, isopropanol or water onto it
聚丙烯酰胺(PAGE)是由丙烯酰胺聚合形成的高分子 这个聚合反应是自由基聚合,需要有引发剂产生自由基将反应引发 过硫酸铵就是引发剂,而TEMED可以催化过硫酸铵产生自由基,从而加速丙烯酰胺凝胶的聚合:
Polyacrylamide (page) is a polymer formed by polymerization of acrylamide. The polymerization reaction is free radical polymerization, which requires an initiator to generate free radicals. The initiator is ammonium persulfate. TEMED can catalyze ammonium persulfate to generate free radicals, thus accelerating the polymerization of acrylamide gel:
过硫酸钠是一种无机化合物,化学式为Na2S2O8。它是过二硫酸的钠盐,是一种强氧化剂。它几乎不潮解,可以长时间储存。过硫酸钠可以通过硫酸氢钠的电解氧化制得:2 NaHSO4 → Na2S2O8 + H2氧化在铂阳极发生。过硫酸钠的标准氧化还原电位为2.1 V,高于过氧化氢(1.8 V),低于臭氧(2.2 V)。原位生成的硫酸根自由基(sulfate radical)的标准电极电势为2.7 V。
Sodium persulfate is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula Na2S2O8. It is the sodium salt of persulfate and a strong oxidant. It hardly deliquesces and can be stored for a long time. Sodium persulfate can be prepared by electrolytic oxidation of sodium bisulfate: 2 NaHSO4 → Na2S2O8 + H2 oxidation occurs at platinum anode. The standard redox potential of sodium persulfate is 2.1 V, higher than hydrogen peroxide (1.8 V) and lower than ozone (2.2 V). The standard electrode potential of the sulfate radical generated in situ is 2.7 v.
Ammonium persulfate, sodium persulfate and potassium persulfate are peroxides. One use I know is to be used as initiators for the synthesis of some polymers (plastics and resins) with water as solvent / medium.
The amount of initiator is very small, usually only about 1.5% of the amount of resin. These things are sold at different levels according to purity, industrial grade, chemical grade and analytical grade. The prices are different, and the specific ex factory prices are not clear.
Ammonium persulfate, sodium persulfate and potassium persulfate are peroxides. One use I know is to be used as initiators for the synthesis of some polymers (plastics and resins) with water as solvent / medium. The amount of initiator is very small, usually only about 1.5% of the amount of resin.
These things are sold at different levels according to purity, industrial grade, chemical grade and analytical grade. The prices are different, and the specific ex factory prices are not clear.
Storage: ammonium persulfate, which can release oxygen and has combustion supporting effect, must be stored in a dry and closed container to avoid direct sunlight and close to the heat source. Do not contact with organic matter, rust, a small amount of metal and other reducing substances to prevent the decomposition and explosion of ammonium persulfate.

Because the wet ammonium persulfate powder and its aqueous solution have bleaching and slight corrosion, it is necessary to avoid direct contact with eyes, skin and clothes during use.
Polymerization: it is the initiator of latex or acrylic monomer polymerization solution, ethyl acetate, vinyl chloride and other products. It is also the initiator of copolymerization of styrene, acrylonitrile, butadiene and other colloids.
Metal treatment: treatment of metal surfaces (e.g. in semiconductor manufacturing: cleaning and etching of printed circuits). Activation of copper and aluminum surfaces.
Cosmetics: the main component of bleaching formula.
Textiles: desizing agent and bleaching agent - especially low temperature bleaching.
Others: chemical synthesis: water treatment (purification); disinfectant; Waste gas treatment, oxidative degradation of hazardous substances (e.g. mercury); Paper (starch modified, special re pulping for low-temperature bleaching).
Jinan Jinhao Chemical Co., Ltd. has been engaged in potassium hydroxide and ammonium persulfate for many years. We insist on sincere service to customers. For more information, please pay attention to our website: http://www.jinhao360.com